Highspeed-Kamera Footage - LicenceDukatenfalter, Scarce copper, Lycaena virgaureae

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    • Demo
        • Agile frog
        • European frog
        • European tree frog
        • March frog
        • Pool frog
        • European toad
        • Tropical toad
        • Beetle
        • Bee flies
        • Flies
        • Mayflies
        • Water boatmen
        • Water measurer
        • Water strider
        • Ants
        • Bees I
        • Bumblebee
        • Wasps I
        • Wild bees I
        • Wild bees II
        • Cicada
        • Spring tail
        • Butterflies I
        • Butterflies II
        • Butterflies III
        • Mantid
        • Owlfly
        • Damselflies
        • Dragonflies
        • Crickets
        • Grasshopper
        • Cannibalism
        • Fishing spiders
        • Jumping spiders
        • Orb web spider
        • Fiddler crab
        • Barn swallow
        • Bee eater
        • Bald eagle
        • Falcon
        • Golden eagle
        • Northern goshawk
        • Steppe eagle
        • White-tailed eagle
        • Cormorant
        • Cuckoo
        • White-throated dipper
        • White-throated dipper
        • Mandarin duck
        • Finches
        • Black grouse
        • Wood grouse
        • Gull
        • Egrets
        • Heron
        • Eurasian hoopoe
        • Streamertail
        • Jays
        • King fisher
        • Barn owl
        • Eurasian eagle owl
        • Eurasian pygmy owl
        • Great grey owl
        • Little owl
        • Short eared owl
        • Short-eared owl
        • House sparrow
        • Sand martin
        • Shrikes
        • House sparrow
        • Common swift
        • Tits I
        • Griffon vulture
        • Stilt
        • Woodpecker
        • Archerfish
        • Arowana
        • Trouts
        • Sailfish
        • Tarpon
        • Daubentons bat
        • Horseshoe bat
        • Leaf-nosed bat
        • Leaf-nosed bats
        • Mouse-eared bat
        • Natterer's bat
        • Bottlenose dolphin
        • Dogs
        • Grizzly bear
        • Otter
        • Macacque
        • Langur
        • Macacque
        • Proboscis monkey
        • Rat
        • Nile crocodile
        • Saltwater crocodile
        • Chamaeleon
        • Lizards
        • Monitor lizard
        • Colubrid
        • Natrix
        • Indian turtle
        • Mudskipper
        • Bearded pig
        • Feather
        • Fire
        • Maple
        • Oak
        • Apple
        • Bovist
        • Jewelweed
        • Pollen
        • Jumping stone
        • Pure water
        • Roaring water
        • Stream
        • Waterfall
        • Lotus effect
        • Soap bubbles
        • Waterdrop
        • Frog
        • Lake
        • Plant
        • Soil
        • Spider
        • Waves
        • Grass
        • Seed disperal
        • Tree
        • Surfing
        • Eisbach
        • Dust explosion
        • Quarry
        • Gun shot
Clip: 522
Title: Dukatenfalter, Scarce copper, Lycaena virgaureae
Info: Dukatenfalter fliegend, scarce copper flying
Search: Arthropoda, Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Lycaena virgaureae, Dukatenfalter, Tagfalter, Schmetterling, Blaeulinge, scarce copper, butterfly, fliegen, flug, flying, flight, High-Speed Camera, Highspeedkamera, Ultra Slow Motion Shot, Zeitlupe, stock footage, Filmarchiv, Videoarchiv, Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera, Phantom Flex
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Seeforelle, Lake trout, Salmo trutta lacustris
Fischotter, European otter - Lutra lutra
Erdkroete, European toad, Bufo bufo
Camaeleon, Schleuderzunge, shooting tongue
Uferschwalbe, Sand martin - Riparia riparia
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Wasseramsel, white-throated dipper, cinclus cinclus
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Wind on foilage
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Bindenwaran, Water monitor - Varanus salvator
Herbstlaub, Ahornblatt, maple leave
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Theissbluete, Eintagsfliege, Mayfly - Palingenia_longicauda
Fischotter, European otter - Lutra lutra
Wasseramsel, white-throated dipper, cinclus cinclus
Butterfly, Erotia Sister, Adelpha erotia
Ringelnatter, Grass snake - Natrix natrix
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Schlammspringer, Mudskippers - Boleophthalmus boddarti
Mandarinente, Mandarin duck - Aix galericulata
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