Highspeed-Kamera Footage - LicenceSperlingskauz, Eurasian pygmy owl, Glaucidium passerinum

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        • Wild bees II
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        • Butterflies I
        • Butterflies II
        • Butterflies III
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        • Damselflies
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        • Crickets
        • Grasshopper
        • Cannibalism
        • Fishing spiders
        • Jumping spiders
        • Orb web spider
        • Fiddler crab
        • Barn swallow
        • Bee eater
        • Bald eagle
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        • Golden eagle
        • Northern goshawk
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        • White-tailed eagle
        • Cormorant
        • Cuckoo
        • White-throated dipper
        • White-throated dipper
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        • Eurasian hoopoe
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        • Eurasian eagle owl
        • Eurasian pygmy owl
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        • Short-eared owl
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        • Daubentons bat
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        • Saltwater crocodile
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        • Indian turtle
        • Mudskipper
        • Bearded pig
        • Feather
        • Fire
        • Maple
        • Oak
        • Apple
        • Bovist
        • Jewelweed
        • Pollen
        • Jumping stone
        • Pure water
        • Roaring water
        • Stream
        • Waterfall
        • Lotus effect
        • Soap bubbles
        • Waterdrop
        • Frog
        • Lake
        • Plant
        • Soil
        • Spider
        • Waves
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        • Seed disperal
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        • Surfing
        • Eisbach
        • Dust explosion
        • Quarry
        • Gun shot
Clip: 1604
Title: Sperlingskauz, Eurasian pygmy owl, Glaucidium passerinum
Loc: Austria
Info: Sperlingskauz fliegend, eurasian pygmy owl flying
Search: Aves, Strigiformes, Strigidae, Glaucidium passerinum, Sperlingskauz, eurasian pygmy owl, Kauz, Eule, owls, Vogel, fliegen, Flug, flying, flight, Flugmanoever, flight manoeuvre, hunt, jagd, flight, hunting, bird, Ultra Slow Motion Shot, Zeitlupe, stock footage, Filmarchiv, Videoarchiv, Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera, Phantom Flex
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Uferschwalbe, Sand martin - Riparia riparia
Auerhuhn, western capercaillie, Tetrao urogallus
Schleiereule, Barn Owl, Tyto alba
Sperlingskauz, Eurasian pygmy owl, Glaucidium passerinum
Grosse Wollbiene, European wool carder bee, Anthidium manicatum
Herbst Mosaikjunfer, migrant hawker - Aeshna mixta
Winkerkrabben, Fiddler crabs - Uca
Lotus effect on Watersurface
Steinadler, Golden eagle -Aquila chrysaetos in flight
Fischotter, European otter - Lutra lutra
Surfing the waves
Resediafalter, Bath white - Pontia daplidice
Habicht, Northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis
Uferschwalbe, Sand martin - Riparia riparia
Brillenblattnase, sebas short-tailed bat, Carollia perspicillata
Gottesanbeterin, European mantis, Mantis religiosa
Uhu, Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Bubo bubo, hunting
Taubenschwaenzchen, hummingbird hawk-moth - Macroglossum stellataru
Bindenwaran, Water monitor - Varanus salvator
Wildwasser, wild water - dancing
Blauer Morphofalter - Morpho peleides
Kohlmeise, Great tit - Parus major
Tannenhaeher, Eurasian nutcracker - Nucifraga caryocatactes
Mandarinente, Mandarin duck - Aix galericulata
Wasserfledermaus, Daubentons bat, Myotis_daubentoni
Theissbluete, Eintagsfliege, Mayfly - Palingenia_longicauda
Seeforelle, Lake trout, Salmo trutta lacustris
Kleiner Fuchs, Small tortoiseshell, Aglais urticae
Nile Crocodile on Waterhole