Highspeed-Kamera Footage - LicenceSteinadler, Golden eagle -Aquila chrysaetos in flight

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        • Agile frog
        • European frog
        • European tree frog
        • March frog
        • Pool frog
        • European toad
        • Tropical toad
        • Beetle
        • Bee flies
        • Flies
        • Mayflies
        • Water boatmen
        • Water measurer
        • Water strider
        • Ants
        • Bees I
        • Bumblebee
        • Wasps I
        • Wild bees I
        • Wild bees II
        • Cicada
        • Spring tail
        • Butterflies I
        • Butterflies II
        • Butterflies III
        • Mantid
        • Owlfly
        • Damselflies
        • Dragonflies
        • Crickets
        • Grasshopper
        • Cannibalism
        • Fishing spiders
        • Jumping spiders
        • Orb web spider
        • Fiddler crab
        • Barn swallow
        • Bee eater
        • Bald eagle
        • Falcon
        • Golden eagle
        • Northern goshawk
        • Steppe eagle
        • White-tailed eagle
        • Cormorant
        • Cuckoo
        • White-throated dipper
        • White-throated dipper
        • Mandarin duck
        • Finches
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        • Wood grouse
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        • Heron
        • Eurasian hoopoe
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        • Barn owl
        • Eurasian eagle owl
        • Eurasian pygmy owl
        • Great grey owl
        • Little owl
        • Short eared owl
        • Short-eared owl
        • House sparrow
        • Sand martin
        • Shrikes
        • House sparrow
        • Common swift
        • Tits I
        • Griffon vulture
        • Stilt
        • Woodpecker
        • Archerfish
        • Arowana
        • Trouts
        • Sailfish
        • Tarpon
        • Daubentons bat
        • Horseshoe bat
        • Leaf-nosed bat
        • Leaf-nosed bats
        • Mouse-eared bat
        • Natterer's bat
        • Bottlenose dolphin
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        • Otter
        • Macacque
        • Langur
        • Macacque
        • Proboscis monkey
        • Rat
        • Nile crocodile
        • Saltwater crocodile
        • Chamaeleon
        • Lizards
        • Monitor lizard
        • Colubrid
        • Natrix
        • Indian turtle
        • Mudskipper
        • Bearded pig
        • Feather
        • Fire
        • Maple
        • Oak
        • Apple
        • Bovist
        • Jewelweed
        • Pollen
        • Jumping stone
        • Pure water
        • Roaring water
        • Stream
        • Waterfall
        • Lotus effect
        • Soap bubbles
        • Waterdrop
        • Frog
        • Lake
        • Plant
        • Soil
        • Spider
        • Waves
        • Grass
        • Seed disperal
        • Tree
        • Surfing
        • Eisbach
        • Dust explosion
        • Quarry
        • Gun shot
Clip: 987
Title: Steinadler, Golden eagle -Aquila chrysaetos in flight
Loc: Austria
Info: Flight of a golden eagle, Steinadler im Flug
Search: Aves, Accipitriformes, Accipitridae, Aquila chrysaetos, Steinadler, Golden eagle, Mammalia, Cervidae, Capreolus capreolus, Europaeisches Reh Flucht vor Steinadler, Raubvogel, European roe deer, Saeugetier, western roe deer, roebuck, running, raptor, bird of prey, attackiert, attack, hunting, jagen, Jagd, jagend, Ultra Slow Motion Shot, Zeitlupe, stock footage, Filmarchiv, Videoarchiv, Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera, Phantom Flex
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